Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Baby Bateman's 19 1/2 Week Sonogram

Today we went for our 19 1/2 week sonogram. This is the week you usually find out what the gender of the baby is if you want to. As of right now, we are not finding out what the baby is. Good thing because you can see in the picture above that little Baby Bateman is in fetal position with his/her legs bent and crossed - up to the tummy. Baby was moving around a lot, just would not flip over. You can see a clear picture of the spine above and the first picture is of the foot. We found out that many babies get comfortable and like this position :)
We will go back tomorrow to get an overview of all of the measurements taken today and then back in a few weeks to take pictures again and get more measurements. The baby should be around 8 ounces and approx. 6 to 6 1/2 inches long right now.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Baby Bateman's Crib

Baby Bateman's Crib!!! This is a picture of the crib we chose. The picture was taken at the store, so the decor isn't ours. Thank you mom and dad for the place our little baby will sleep. :)

Shopping for Baby Bateman

18 weeks is here!!! The baby is the size of a sweet potato according the "The Bump"

Jon and I had fun at Babies R Us registering. Yes, a little pro-active but we were in Atlanta and the Babies R Us in Nashville is small and in a bad area. You know we are new at this because it took us about an hour and a half to register for 54 items. We tested the stollers ect :)

We can't wait for Baby Bateman!!!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Baby Bateman is Growing

Baby Bateman is 16 weeks old today! Jon, Mom and I heard the heartbeat last Thursday. It is amazing that something is living and growing inside of me :) Time is passing by quickly and before we know it, November will be here. The due date is November 15th, just one day after Jon's birthday. We have decided to wait to find out what the sex of the baby is. Boy or Girl??

We are very blessed and love little "Lionel"